Wednesday 22 May 2013



Stadium Tan Sri Hassan Yunus, Johor Bahru
Rabu, 22hb Mei 2013, 8.45 mlm
Siaran Langsung : Astro Arena 801, 8.45mlm

Perlawanan yang menarik untuk disaksikan antara kedua- dua pasukan. Kali ini pasukan Kelantan akan bertandang ke stadium keramat pasukan JDT di LARKIN. Mungkinkah anda semua masih mengingati kejadian yang berlaku di Stadium Mohammed Ke IV, Kelantan. Ayuh semua peminat dan penyokong pasukan JDT. Kita ke Stadium Larkin menjadi pemain ke 12 untuk pasukan JDT kesayangan kita. Biarkan SORAKAN LARKIN bergema. Dont fight2, enjoy the game..!! 

Sesah JOHOR Sesah.!!
Luaskan Kuasamu JOHOR.!!
Kita Tetap Menang.!!

Jangan Lupa singgah Fanpage saya :
Dan Official Blog Sukan :

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Laptop Lenovo G480 The Best 2013 Sugesstion in Malaysia

Why my title like this " Laptop Lenovo G480 The Best 2013 Sugesstion in Malaysia  ". Because i'm use Lenovo Laptop G480 SERIES. Budget All in one,Very cheaper and better to all application such as graphics,gaming, and etc.

Working with a laptop is a great choice for most people. For most people, too, in the laptops 'bajet' is a virtue. This is where the Lenovo G480 is in a class of its own.

Lenovo G480 is a laptop that has bajet traits so interesting. Between the traits of concern is the 3rd generation of processors Intel ® Core ™ i5-3210M, Intel ® Hyper-Threading Technology, a hard cakera so 1TB, USB 3.0 port, 14-inch high-definition screens and Dolby audio systems integrated innards.

Although severe thrashing, Lenovo G480 prove his worth when the eternal remain silent without the sound of a strong conditioning fan, and able to last a long time with a 6 cell battery. Not forgetting also should you not use the output conditioning (Cooling Pad), the Lenovo G480 is capable of operating on a long time without spending heat.

In addition, there is a keyboard on this laptop is also said to be helpful in the work day and kepermainan, by kerana shape rather large and Selesa pressed (AccuType Keyboard). Do not forget he also support Windows 7 operating system, Windows 8, and also Linux.

Free Easy Way Make Money Online

I am glad to see you here because I got the opportunity to help you by showing a path to make money online without any investment. In present day economic, everybody is searching for the best ideas to generate income online. But everyone has a question that How to make money online without investment?

With a number of businesses, applications and products available on web you will find some of the most effective ways to earn money online that can practically be completed without having to spend a single cent. You would however, require investing several hours on your computer, if you wish to generate income online.

“Make Money Online” has turned into a popular trend to earn additional income among the young generation. Everybody today is looking for the quickest way to make money online through the various Work From Home Business opportunities available on web. Some find what they are trying to find, while the greater part ends up going around in circles wasting a lot of money and months of hard work.

Here, I’m going to assist you to avoid this great loss and get you on the express lane to making money online. Learning how to earn more online can be hard. It can be really challenging in case you are fresh to this whole make money online world. However there are methods you can begin making money with no investment in any way. If you don’t have dollars to invest here’s what you can do:

Blogging: Blogging is one of the most effective ways to make money online. You can set up a Blog site or Squidoo Lens or a free Blog using WordPress or Blogger. A blog is a very fantastic way to earn extra income. It provides many different ways to earn money from advertising, affiliate programs, sponsorship to selling your own products.

For implementing this you will need to drive a good amount of traffic to your blog. Lots of people successfully earn healthy profits from running a blog.

Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate Marketing is another way that is regarded as one of the world’s fastest expanding and best online marketing strategies to make money online. With internet affiliate marketing all you need to do is exhibit products on your web page or blog and whenever a certain product is sold via your website you are offered a commission.

Google AdSense: One more fantastic way to make money online will be with Google AdSense. Adsense is a program offered by Google where you get the chance to place advertisements on your website or personal blog. You can make money with every click. So for more number of clicks you can obtain greater amount of money. For achieving this, all you need is to possess a website that is visited with plenty of traffics on regular basis. This is an essential pre requisite to make certain that there are plenty of users to go through the advertisements.

Freelance Writing: Working as a freelance writer is the simplest way to earn on internet nowadays as it doesn’t require any investment. The only thing you require is to be competent on English grammar and punctuation. You only need to meet the due dates and instructions given by your clients.

Photoshop & Editing: For skilled photo editors, there is variety of options available on the internet where they can work and produce a decent amount. The knowledge of Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator may help you in acquiring jobs where you have to design logos for companies and products. The majority of the projects require you to retouch the images to make them look superior.

Forum Discussion: You can also make money online even for taking part in discussions. Forums can be equally as rewarding as a blog or website. Forums are Internet businesses that create a community of trustworthy followers, visitors, and subscribers that are based on the subscriptions. It’s also possible to make money online with forums with advertisers on the forum. Only you need to be involved in conversations daily. The more you take part and post; the more you will make money.

Note to work online and earn money doesn’t require any qualification. If you possess the required talent to write, advertise, promote, or any other skills, you can easily make money from your home. All you need to do is Enhance Your Skills.

Seorang lelaki mempunyai 4 orang ISTERI

Isteri Pertama : Tidak diberi perhatian
Isteri Kedua dan Ketiga : Selalu di beri perhatian
Isteri ke empat : Terlalu diberi perhatian dan kasih sayang

Ketika lelaki itu mahu meninggal, dia memanggil ke empat-empat isterinya.
‘Mahukah kamu menemaniku di 'alam kubur?’

Isteri ke-4 : ‘Sorry! Sampai sini sahaja aku mengikutmu.’

Isteri ke-2 dan ke-3 : ‘Kami akan menemanimu tapi hanya sampai ke liang kubur sahaja.

Lelaki itu kecewa. Lalu ditanya pula pada isteri pertama. Isteri pertama menjawab :
‘Aku akan menemanimu ke mana saja kamu pergi dan akan selalu mendampingimu.’

Siapa isteri pertama hingga ke empat?

Isteri ke 4 - Adalah harta dan kekayaan kita
Isteri ke 3 - Teman-teman kita
Isteri ke 2 - Keluarga kita

Isteri Pertama - Merupakan 'AMALAN kita selama kita hidup di dunia.

Husnul Khatimah atau Su'ul Khatimah?

● MATI saya nanti , akan ramai ucap takziah pada keluarga saya .
● MATI saya nanti , orang akan buat majlis tahlil untuk saya .
● MATI saya nanti , Fb saya akan penuh dengan post takziah .
● MATI saya nanti , saya akan tinggalkan harta-harta saya .
● MATI saya nanti , saya akan tinggalkan kawan-kawan saya .
● MATI saya nanti , saya akan tinggalkan orang yang saya kasihi .

● MATI saya nanti , saya akan duduk keseorangan dalam kubur .
● MATI saya nanti , saya kena jawab soalan dari Munkar dan Nakir .
● MATI saya nanti , saya tak dapat ber'amal soleh lagi .
* MATI saya nanti , adakah saya meninggalkan anak yang soleh yg mendo'akan, ilmu yg bermanfa'at & sedeqah jariah.

● Dan saya masih tidak tahu dimanakah pengakhiran tempat saya di sana kelak

● Segalanya akan ditinggalkan

Monday 20 May 2013

Surat Terbuka Seorang Anak Muda Buat Ustaz Mohammad Kazim Elias

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera, mungkin ramai dah sedia maklum berkenaan tindakanUstaz Mohammad Kazim Elias atau lebih dikenali Ustaz Kazim yang dikatakan mahu bersara dari berceramah kerana kecewa difitnah selain diugut bunuh.

Ramai yang terkejut tak lain ada yang kecewa dengan keputusan yang di buat Ustaz Kazimtersebut. Ramai yang tertanya-tanya kenapa tindakan itu di ambil. (Berhenti dari berceramah). Susulan itu satu surat terbuka seorang anak muda buat Ustaz Mohammad Kazim Elias ditulis.

Surat terbuka buat Ustaz Mohammad Kazim Elias


Ujian dan Dugaan itu “Tanda Allah Sayang”. Saya turut bersimpati dengan ujian yang menimpa Ustaz, sebagai orang yang lebih berilmu dari saya dan saya akui banyak ilmu-ilmu baru yang saya dapat daripada ceramah dan kuliah yang Ustaz sampaikan.

Cuma saya agak kecewa dengan beberapa ‘statement’ berat sebelah yang di keluarkan oleh Ustaz berkaitan dengan perjuangan parti-parti politik, yang sebelum ini Ustaz sendiri mengakui “saya tidak belah mana-mana” tapi pengakuan itu terbatal dengan ucapan menghentam hebat perjuangan menegakkan hukum Allah yang di bawa oleh Pas. Dan menjadi ‘backup’ buat sang perjuang bangsa.

Terlebih dahulu, saya ingin memohon maaf, jika tulisan saya ini dan sebelum ini ada menguris hati Ustaz. Keputusan Ustaz ingin berhenti sebarkan Agama kerana di ‘fitnah’, (seperti terlapor di akhbar) ianya menjadi tanda tanya masyarakat. Kerana masyarakat di fahamkan tentang hukum alam. “Berjuang di jalan Allah itu bukan mudah, ianya pasti diuji dan perjalananya jauh dan susah”.

Dan Kami menguji kamu dengan kesusahan dan kesenangan sebagai dugaan; dan kepada Kami-lah kamu semua akan dikembalikan. [Al-Anbiyaa’: 35]

Bagi saya, keputusan untuk berhenti dari ceramah ini pasti akan mendatang fitnah yang lebih besar. Atau Ustaz ingin terjun terus ke dunia politik, itu waAllahualam…tunggu dan lihat. Cuma apa yang ingin saya kongsikan dengan Ustaz ialah berkaitan dengan satu hadis Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam;

“Sesungguhnya, manusia yang menerima ujian yang paling berat adalah para Nabi, kemudian orang yang mengikuti mereka, kemudian orang yang mengikuti mereka, dan kemudian orang yang mengikuti mereka.” [al-Silsilah al-Sahihah, al-Albani]

Para Nabi juga diuji. Dan ujian yang dikenakan kepada para Nabi adalah lebih berat berbanding manusia biasa.

1. Nabi Adam diuji dengan pohon yang terdapat dalam Syurga Allah. (al-Baqarah: 34)
2. Nabi Nuh menghadapi ujian dari anak yang tidak mahu taat kepada Allah. (Huud: 11)
3. Nabi Soleh menerima ujian melalui kaum Tsamud. (al-A’raf:73)
4. Nabi Ibrahim adalah antara Rasul Allah yang menerima banyak ujian, antaranya, penyembelihan anaknya Ismail. (as-Saffat: 102)
5. Nabi Luth diuji dengan kaumnya, (al-A’raf: 80)
6. Nabi Yusuf diuji dengan wanita (Yusuf: 23)
7. Nabi Musa diuji dengan Fira’un yang angkuh. (Thoha: 59-60)
8. Nabi Sulaiman diuji dengan kerajaan yang besar dan mewah. (Sad: 35)
9. Nabi Isa diuji dengan pengikut-pengikutnya. (al-Ma’idah: 112-113)
10. Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam juga Rasul yang dikenakan dengan banyak, antaranya diuji dengan bapa saudaranya, Abu Talib. (al-Qasas: 56)

Dan Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam juga di uji dengan fitnah yang melampau, di uji dengan perancangan membunuh Baginda, tetapi dakwah tetap di teruskan dan tidak sedikit pun ujian itu melemahkan Baginda bahkan ujian itu menguatkan kerana Baginda Rasulullah yakin berada di pihak yang Benar. Moga surat dari saya yang masih mentah dalam ilmu Agama ini dapat sedikit sebanyak di muhasabah buat kita bersama. Akhir kalam, sama kita hayati Qalam Allah..

Ingatlah kamu! (Kamu semua) adalah orang yang diseru untuk menafkahkan pada jalan Allah. Maka antara kamu ada yang bakhil, dan sesiapa yang bakhil sesungguhnya dia hanyalah bakhil terhadap dirinya sendiri. Dan Allah adalah al-Ghaniy (Maha Kaya), sedangkan kamu adalah fakir. Dan jika kamu berpaling, nescaya Dia (Allah) akan menggantikan kamu dengan kaum yang lain, dan mereka tidak akan menyerupai kamu. [Muhammad : 38]

“Teruskan berjuang jika kamu benar”

Ikhlas dari :
Mohd Yusof Hadhari

Harga Minyak Turun!!!


Penurunan Harga Minyak.

Barisan Nasional hari ini mengesahkan bahawa semua harga minyak akan diturunkan sebanyak 50 sen se liter, di semua stesen minyak yang terletak di negeri negeri yang ditadbir oleh BN. Negeri negeri yang terlibat adalah semua negeri kecuali Kelantan,Pulau Pinang dan Selangor.

Perkara ini disahkan oleh setiausaha MCA negeri Johor, selepas selesai sahaja Mesyuarat Majlis Presiden MCA yang berlangsung di Johor sebentar tadi.

Majlis Presiden dalam Mesyuarat nya petang tadi, sebulat suara bersetuju untuk menghapuskan cukai yang dikenakan pada premis premis syarikat minyak, dengan itu harga minyak manpu diturunkan sebanyak 35 peratus untuk setiap kategori akan berkuatkuasa pada pukul 12 malam ini.

Sumber itu juga menegaskan, penurunan harga tersebut juga akan dapat dinikmati oleh semua kenderaan yang mengisi minyak di stesen tersebut walaupun tidak menpunyai no pendaftaran negeri BN.

Berikut adalah senarai minyak yang terlibat dengan penurunan harga,

1.Minyak Angin
2.Minyak Senyonyong
3.Minyak Gamat
4.Minyak Dagu
5.Minyak Pengasih.
6.Minyak Lintah
7.Minyak Belacak

P/S : Hahahaha lawak kan....sumber Fiz Graphics...terkene den

Sunday 19 May 2013

Today Love To Whom?

Oh day flowers love it. Couple of young people do not miss Muslims also organize programs 'honeymoon' with her lover. Valentine's day is considered to be followed by a full pour the love of the couple. Not only husband and wife, but a new love relationship berimpikan day also the same.February 14 embedded in the liver, into everlasting memories.

Wait! Before we ceaselessly make that day as a day to prove the love that deminya 'lake of fire prepared me let go', know its history first. What is celebrated by Muslims for the Prophet Muhammad, in which the base end of the beginning? Do we become people who are deaf, emulate and follow us something without having knowledge of it. God has pointed out, " And do not follow what you do not have knowledge of it. Indeed hearing, sight, and hearts, all that will be asked of liability replied . " (Surah Al-Isra: 36)

History of Valentine's Day

There are a variety of different sources tells us about the origin of Valentine's Day. Clear, none of benefit to us as Muslims and slaves to the Creator. We realize, one of the reasons the existence of Valentine's Day is for the fall of the Muslims in Spain at that date. While those who were behind the defeat was a Christian priest, Saint Valentine. Then, February 14, 1492 named Valentine and was regarded as the love for the religion of Islam is considered to be in the wrong. Is not to celebrate, we are insulting our holy religion? If we are so despicable!

Among other history mentioned that Valentine's Day is taken from the name of Saint Valentine's pastor for his determination to defend the rights of the soldiers in the reign of Claudius II for marrying. This is because, during the reign of Claudius II of the Romans, he prevented the Roman armies to marry because in her opinion, they are more powerful and courageous to fight if still single. But privately, Saint Valentine was the ceremony and this cause anger Claudius II.Then, the priest sentenced on February 14th, 269 AD.


If we make this as an excuse to celebrate February 14, because of a person's determination to uphold human rights to get married, why should honor should be given to a Christian priest?While among the messenger of Allah to sacrifice everything for the love of many defend the faith. Always remember the love and infinite love Prophet sacrificed a lot for us, he loved his people very. Really, we never put a higher honor to the leader of the infidels against our greatest leaders, Muhammad!

As we all know, a festival that is not based on Islam certainly bring disrepute and millions of destruction. Look, how many girls are sisters who have been languishing in the hands dangling sweetheart only to prove the love that inspired Saint Valentine? How many young men who undertake the task inheritors of the earth commit sin and adultery for the sacred date? We earnestly curb Valentine's Day celebration. Do not let the past menumbuh error seed becomes a tree that covers the light of faith in the heart.

Remember the word of God, " And verily if thou follow their desires after coming (which wahi) knowledge to you (the truth), then you have not will get from Allah (anything) that can control and give aid. " ( Al-Baqarah: 120) .

From - Article


Tema Hari Guru 2013 adalah Guru Malaysia 1Apspirasi 1Agenda. Perkara ini telah dibincangkan dengan persetujuan Jemaah Nazir dan Jaminan Kualiti (JNJK) selaku Urus Setia Pemilihan Tema Hari Guru 2013. Sehubungan itu, sukacita dimaklumkan tema yang telah dipersetujui oleh YAB Timbalan Perdana Menteri merangkap Menteri Pelajaran adalah:





Semua Guru Malaysia mempunyai satu aspirasi untuk membangunkan sistem pendidikan berkualiti bertaraf dunia seperti yang dihasratkan dalam Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) 2013-2025.
Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab semua guru ke arah melahirkan murid yang mempunyai enam aspirasi iaitu berpengetahuan,kemahiran berfikir, kemahiran memimpin, kemahiran dwibahasa, beretika dan kerohanian serta beridentiti nasional.

1ASPIRASI juga diterjemahkan kepada cita-cita murni PPPM 2013-2025 iaitu ke arah sistem pendidikan negara yang memastikan akses kepada kejayaan, kualiti standard antarabangsa yang tinggi, ekuiti untuk semua murid, memupukperpaduan dalam kalangan murid dan pelaksanaan berkecekapan tinggi.


Semua Guru Malaysia berpegang kepada satu agenda iaitu memastikan kejayaan PPPM 2013-2025. Guru perlu berpegang teguh kepada etika profesion keguruan yang mempunyai satu agenda atau tugas utama iaitu melahirkan murid seimbang berdasarkan Falsasah Pendidikan Negara.

Nama-Nama Al-Quran

Al-Quran mempunyai berbagai nama lain selain nama al-Quran.Walau bagaimanapun, nama yang terkenal dan yang digunakan secara meluas ialah al-Quran. Hal itu berdasarkan Firman Allah : 

سورة البقرة ٢ : اية ١٨٥
Masa Yang Diwajibkan kamu berpuasa itu ialah) bulan Ramadan
Yang padanya diturunkan Al-Quran

Ada ulama’ berpendapat Al-Quran mempunyai 66 nama, manakala Abu Al- Ma’li Azizi bin Abd Malik mengatakan Al-Quran mempunyai 55 nama di dalam kitab beliau iaitu Al-Burhan. Dan ada juga ulama’ yang mengatakan Al-Quran mempunyai 90 nama. Walau bagaimanapun kesemua nama-nama
itu sesuai dengan kemuliaan dan keagungannya sebagai sebuah kitab suci daripada Allah S.W.T. Antara nama-nama Al-Quran ialah : 

1. Al-Furqan 

Perkataan al-Furqan digunakan sebagai salah satu daripada nama al-Quran, kerana kandungan al-quran itu menjelaskan kepada manusia antara kebenaran dengan kebatilan. Oleh itu al-quran bertindak sebagai pembeza dan pemisahan terhadap ajaran yang benar dengan ajaran yang salah.

سورة الفرقان ٢٥ : اية ١
Maha berkat Tuhan Yang menurunkan Al-Furqaan kepada hambaNya (Muhammad),
untuk menjadi peringatan dan amaran bagi seluruh penduduk alam.

2. Al-Kitab

Perkataan Kitab di dalam bahasa Arab dengan baris tanwin di akhirnya (kitabun) memberikan makna umum iaitu sebuah kitab yang tidak tertentu. Apabila ditambah dengan alif dan lam di depannya menjadi (Al Kitab) ia telah berubah menjadi suatu yang khusus (kata nama tertentu). Dalam hubungan ini, nama lain bagi Al-Quran itu disebut oleh Allah adalah Al-Kitab.

سورة السجدة ٣٢ : اية ٢
Diturunkan Al-Quran ini, Dengan tidak ada sebarang syak padanya,
dari Tuhan Yang memelihara dan mentadbirkan sekalian alam. 

3. Al- Mau’izah

Perkataan Al-Mau’izah digunakan sebagai salah satu daripada nama al-Quran di sebabkan dalam al-Quran itu mengandungi pengajaran dan peringatan kepada manusia dan sekalian alam, baik dalam urusan keduniaan dan akhirat.

سورة يونس ١٠ : اية ٥٧
Wahai umat manusia! Sesungguhnya telah datang kepada kamu Al-Quran Yang menjadi nasihat pengajaran dari Tuhan kamu, dan Yang menjadi penawar bagi penyakit-penyakit batin Yang ada di Dalam dada kamu, dan juga menjadi hidayah petunjuk untuk keselamatan, serta membawa rahmat bagi orang-orang Yang beriman

Amazing Samsung S4!!!

Gone was the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S4 in New York, United States. It is performed through acting and musical performances by the orchestra of the show features the latest phone to the public.Samsung Galaxy S4 previously touted its presence but there are a few scattered pictures before launch that are rather accurate. Except for some undetermined specification of the leak. As is well known by some previous information leaks, the latest phone from Samsung is coming up with some great specifications. Among them it is dominated by OCTA Exynos5 eight core processor (1.6 GHz four-core Cortex-A15 & 1.2 GHz four-core Cortex-A7). 2GB of RAM and internal memory size ranging from 16GB, 32GB and 64GB of additional memory card support. Here is the official specification of the event.

If we look at the physical, available at a glance the latest model Samsung did not reveal significant differences with the model of the Samsung Galaxy S3. But Samsung introduced some interesting new features on their phones this. Among them is S Transalator the ability to translate the language that supports several languages ​​(so far it does not support the language of Malaysia) are also well adapted to other applications such as messaging and email. Applications S Voice are now enhanced with support for GPS driving. Interestingly, its called S Voice Drive this home also will tell you if your friends when you're using it, you approach their home. In fact, in the car you can answer a call by voice command and also ask him questions.

Dual camera was introduced to allow you to record video from both primary and secondary camera at the same time. Additionally, this feature can be used when you are making a video call. feature smart scroll / pause also track the movement of your eyes. For example, if you are watching a video, if you do not see the screen when the video automatically as you play will pause. Features Water view , is the same found on the Galaxy Note 2. example in Note 2, during the S Pen you are in the picture, the picture will float (hover), but the Galaxy S4 does not require S Pen, they just use your fingers to do . Another feature is the gesture water where you can move the screen without touching it. Just move your hand on her screen. This is some of the features we can explain a little bit. For a full review on this phone, please forward on our blog when the phone will arrive for the Malaysian market. According to Samsung, it will be made ​​at the end of April. The phone is available in black and white.

Left and right S3 S4, photo credit: CBS Interactive

Why not Rape Me?

This true story happened in the U.S.. It is about a woman from Malaysia who work in the U.S.. She was wearing a scarf and have a good moral character.

A girl's night on the way back home from work.Unfortunately he took the short walk to home. The path taken was quite secluded and not many passersby at the time.

Due to the rather too late day, walking in the street is quite dark so make him quite agitated and afraid. Moreover he walked alone.

Suddenly he saw a man (white Americans) leaning on the wall beside the lane. He was beginning to feel scared and not good faith. What he can do ur time is pray to Allah seeking safety for himself. He read the verse Chair with expectation that God will help her moment of it.

Time he leaned past the man, he could not recognize faces turned and the man. Good luck guys and girls do not ignored this safely reached his home.

The next morning, she read in the newspaper that a woman has been raped by an unidentified man near her lane road yesterday just 10 minutes after he crossed the lane.This Muslim white man truly believed he was the rapist was seen yesterday.

On the sense of responsibility he went straight to the police station and make a complaint.This woman can identify the suspect through the identification parade and after the investigation, police were able to evidence that men are rapists sought.

But she wondered why the man now does not make him a victim when he was through the alley although she alone at that time, but the last man rape ago after her daughter. This woman wanted to know very reason. So he asked for permission to speak with the police before sentencing the rapist earlier (before the last man to be brought to another place).

He then asked the rapist is ..

"Why do not you do anything to me on that's night that's even though you know I'm alone?" (Why do not you get me anything that night even though you know I'm a je tu time?)

That's rapist answer:

"No, you are not alone. That night I saw two young man walking with you. One on your right side and the other one was by your left side. If you were alone you will of course be my Victim. "(No, you're not alone. Tu Tonight I saw there were 2 guys running with you. A right of you and left you alone again. Had you sorang2 that night, already I'm sure you're a victim ..)

Wanita ni feel very surprised when hear the explanation rapist that. She was grateful to God for keeping him that night, probably also thanks to the Chair verses he read that night.


One day, Mr. Ali went to the forest to find firewood. W hen ago kat lake, Pak Ali buruknye ax slipped and fell in the lake that. Then came Pari Pari Lake to Pak Ali.

Pari Pari: What's with you?
Pak Ali: Axe I fell into the lake.
Pari Pari been diving and returned with a silver ax.
Pari Pari: Is this your ax?
Pak Ali: No.
Pari Pari been diving and returned with golden ax.
Pari Pari: Is this your ax?
Pak Ali: No, I'm bad ax only.
Pari pari been diving and returned with bad ax.
Pari Pari: Is this your ax?
Pak Ali: Yes, that's my bad ax.
Pari Pari Lake like attitude Pak Ali's honest and gave all three axes to him.

On the day sent. Pak Ali walk around the lake of the same with his wife. This time isterinye plaque fell into the lake. Pak Ali upset. Then came Pari Pari Lake to Pak Ali ..

Pari Pari: Why are you sad?
Pak Ali: My wife fell into the lake.
Pari Pari been diving and returned with Tasya Shila.
Pari Pari: Is this your wife?
Pak Ali tearfully replied ... "Yes, that's my wife ..."
Pari Pari even anger, "I had no idea my, you're an honest one time have become greedy".

While holding the melancholy Mr. Ali said, "I'm not greedy, and I said 'no' on Shila Tasya ... you will bring about wawa zainal ... if I say 'no' as well, then you bring the wife ... when I said 'yes', you will give me three of them ... ". This poor I can not afford to bear them all "

Monday 6 May 2013

Results SPR Malaysia in 2013 the Barisan Nasional BN Wins (133 Chair Parliament) VS Pakatan Rakyat PR (89)

EC Malaysia: Early this morning around 3 am - 3:30 am, Malaysian Election Commission to finalize the EC official decision to allow Malaysians to check the results 13GE (General Election 2013) which ended with the final decision of the Parliament:

"BN coalition VS 133 89"

Which saw the opposition of state-owned before, Orissa has fallen to the Barisan Nasional. While only three states that successfully defended PR - Selangor, Penang and Kelantan with a majority of two thirds in each state. Apart from that is owned by the National Front
13GE EC decision: Election 2013 (by State)

EC: EC Election Results Malaysia (13GE) - Barisan Nasional

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